Purification Event - Caterpilleaf

  2023 Fall Purification Event   
Story-Driven | DTE  Raffle | Event Shop

(pre-purification dialogue)

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The Realm of Orin doesn’t seem right.. You were out enjoying yourself catching bugs with Moon, who had previously amassed quite the army of bugs and bug enthusiasts, when the scenery quite rapidly shifted from a comfortable early fall to a dreary and windy scene. The leaves, rather than holding beautiful autumn colors, looked more as though they’d been eaten, or infested..? You gather up your things and follow the wind, hoping to find some answers.

<( Oh, what are you doing here..? )
<( I’m afraid we’ve found ourselves face-to-face with another corruption. )

Just past Mimmy, you see an intimidating-looking Orin.

You get the impression that this Orin isn’t alright…

<( I might have an idea of what’s causing these corruptions.. But now isn‘t the time for talking. We need to gather some more Orins fast. )
<( … )
<( This Orin isn’t in their right mind. We need to perform a purification ritual to save them! I just hope we won’t be too late.. ) 

(post-purification dialogue)

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<( We.. we did it..! It worked! Oh, thank goodness! )

The once-corrupt Orin shakes off the excess mana sparkles and turns to face you both, still shaken and apprehensive about the situation that had transpired, but visibly relieved.

  <( Wugh.. that was really scary. )
<( But thank you a lot for all of your help! I’m not exactly sure what happened, but I feel much better now. )

<( I’m glad you’re okay. Do you think it’s possible you encountered.. a nightmare of some sort? )
<( Well um.. I was thinking a lot about bug catching after Moon showed me the ropes the other day. It’s possible I maay have influenced the direction of a dream. )
<( … )

<( I think you just gave someone with a bug phobia a dream about insects. No wonder.. I may need to have a talk with Moon later.. )

<( Oh… oops. )
<( Well, at least it turned out okay! I feel right as rain! Now I’m all ready for more bug catching.. ooh, or playing in the leaves! or getting ready for Halloween! )


   Event Guidelines  

This once-corrupt Orin has been cured thanks to the accumulative efforts of participants. When it's healed design had been revealed, users were allowed to continue drawing either design for additional Purification Points.
This event also doubled as a Draw-To-Enter raffle. If you submitted at least one piece of art, you had a chance at obtaining the Corrupt Orin, Caterpilleaf!

Points earned could also be used to purchase goodies from the shop!