General Rules

✦ Table of Contents ✦

Welcome to the Realm of Orin! Please familiarize yourself with our community group and design rules!

✦ General Etiquette ✦

  • Anyone over 13 years old is welcome to join our group, even if you don’t currently own an Orin!

  • Please be respectful to staff and group members. We reserve the right to kick members for bad behavior towards staff and/or members.

    • If you have concerns about the group, another member, or a staff member, please contact Raijin or another available member of staff. Please be respectful in topic and etiquette when discussing; aggression is not very nice.

    • If someone expresses discomfort in a topic and wishes for it to be spoilered or have the topic changed, please respect their wishes.

  • Please do not bring any kind of negativity or drama into the species. We want to make a positive and welcoming space for everyone!

    • We have a zero tolerance policy on any immoral harmful content (pedophilia, nazism, incest, beastiality, etc) and discriminatory content (homophobia, transphobia, racism, etc), and any user found in possession or promotion of these subjects will be banned or forbidden from joining our group.

    • Participating in inappropriate behavior or anything that causes or threatens harm to others will lead to a hard ban from the species.

    • If you see an issue please do not minimod and direct concerns to staff. Please don't try resolving it yourself!

  • Just be a nice person, stay positive, and have fun!

✦ Sharing content within our group ✦

  • Please stay on topic within our space!

  • When someone shares their work, it’s recommended to be courteous and leave a nice comment before posting your own! Getting overposted isn't a very fun thing to experience!

  • Plagiarized content (tracing, design theft, etc) is not allowed, and can lead to disqualification of submissions, suspension of designs, or banning of users from the group.


    • Please do not fetishize, sexualize, nor create suggestive works featuring an Orin or a Humanoid Orin. Minors especially may NOT distribute or obtain adult content.

    • You may NOT shareNSFW content, regardless if it’s Orin related or isn't, anywhere inside of or involving the group. If you are sharing personal accounts / profiles that may contain NSFW content within Orin-related spaces, please take care to properly mature-lock and content filter your personal accounts.

    • We cannot control content that is created outside of our group, but violating content brought into our space will be removed, and may result in suspensions, bans, or PSAs.

  • We politely ask that content from the Bayfox original species, such as art or characters, be refrained from being shared or brought into our group. We do not want any affiliation with them within our group.

✦ Character Ownership ✦

  • Ownership of an Orin includes partial rights to the design, participation in the group, and full liberty to the character's story.

    • Orins may be used for personal use, such as drawing, writing, or role-playing with them, setting as your profile picture, making or buying personal merch for yourself, and other related uses.

    • Orins may not be used for commercial use without permission from Raijin and the original designer. Commercial use is defined as publishing digital or physical merchandise that involves monetary gain. This includes things like posting monetized YouTube videos, selling copies of video games or comics, commercial VTubing, and making prints/stickers/charms/merch featuring the Orin design to sell.

      • Non-Orin forms of a design MAY be allowed to be used commercially, if the permission is obtained from the original designer.

      • You may NOT use Orins for NFT / crypto / AI purposes. You may not submit art, writing, or any work using generative AI to our website.

  • Co-ownership is not recognized by the group, and only one owner may be listed on the Masterlist at any time.

  • Orins may be voided if you're no longer interested in participating in the species, but would like to keep your character(s). Voiding will remove the species name and recognition of permission to participate in the group with the character, but you keep them under your ownership as a non-species character. Only the current owner can void a design, you may not void on the behalf of another user. To void a design, please submit a Help Ticket here (or a PM to our TH admin account, albeit replies may be slower), and write "Void Request" in the title. Link the Masterlist of all the Orins that you want to void in the comments section.

    • OFF category Orins can only be voided after 6 months of ownership under your name.
    • MYO category Orins can only be voided after 3 months of ownership under your name.
      (*Note, trading and receiving the Orin back will reset this cooldown)

    • Voided Orins will be sent to admin for recordkeeping. To prevent scams with voided Orins, images will not be removed off the site. Voided Orins can be unvoided at a later date with the use of a new MYO slot and applicable items.

    • Voiding does not give you permission to dismiss the original designer's TOS. We strongly discourage voiding for the sole intent of scalping or to otherwise break trade rules. Using voids to circumvent rules will result in a strike on your account; we already have very lax resell rules!

    • Any spent items, like MYO slots, trait items, or money/goods spent, will not be refunded upon voiding. You will only be keeping the character.

  • Orin Realm designs, MYOs or staff-made adopts, will never be revoked without explanation or permission (outside of the one case listed below). If one is banned from the group, their Orin designs will be voided, but designs will not be taken back by the group.

    • ONLY in the case if an unauthorized chargeback has been filed, or payment falls through on an adoptable or custom design purchase, will the artist retain the right to revoke the character and resell or repurpose them.

✦ character Trade rules ✦

  • You may resell, trade, and gift your Orin freely as long as you do not resell for more than obtained for.

    • You may resell for higher, regardless of how obtained, if your Orin obtains NEW art you make or commission of them. Please be courteous and do not add free, traded for, and gift art into the Orin's sale value. You also may not delete art after someone agreed to pay the new price for the Orin who expects to receive all the art displayed (this would be scamming).

    • If you are doing vouchers or three-way-trades, please ensure all parties are aware of the trading agreement.

    • When buying an Orin, it is at YOUR digression and responsibility to ensure the amount you are paying for is fair. If you suspect someone is inflating the price of their Orin unfairly or is attempting to scam you, please do not buy it and contact a staff member.

  • Orin MYO Slots can be traded and gifted freely, and if reselling, may only be resold for at max what price they were purchased for. If you did not pay money for your slot, the slot may not be resold for money at a higher price.

    • Don’t forget to update the Masterlist of the new owner of the slot!

    • Orin website starter MYO SLOTS cannot be resold, traded, or gifted. The completed design however, becomes a normal Orin following the normal trading rules. The site starter slot is meant exclusively for yourself as an opportunity to participate in our species, and if we discover a loophole was abused where someone accepts an under-the-table trade, the affected design may become suspended.

  • Unless stated on the Masterlist entry, Orins do not have a trading/transfer cooldown. (Usually by default, only starter MYOs and free raffle designs have a trade cooldown.)

  • You are required to inform staff or update the Masterlist when an Orin exchanges hands to verify ownership legitimacy.

✦ character DESIGNs ✦

  • In order to make an official MYO Orin or an Orin adoptable, you need a MYO slot or permission from Raijin.

    • You can obtain MYO slots with species currency or USD sales. You can apply for guest artist positions when applications are officially open.

    • “Unofficial” design concepts may not be sold as adopts advertised as Orins, even if it is disclosed they are unofficial concepts.

  • If you are not a member of staff or a guest artist, you may not advertise Orin custom design commissions. Profit is defined as taking money, art, other designs/customs/items, or other services.

    • Basically you can't advertise "I will design your slot for you" Orin customs. The exception is if someone is looking to specifically commission their MYO Orin- only then you can offer your services.

    • You and another member may do “custom Orin design trades” if the both of you own MYO slots and you both design a custom Orin for the other person.

    • You can freely offer to design Orin customs with MYO slots for others for free.

  • You can turn your existing OC into an Orin or give them an Orin form with permission from the designer and a MYO Slot with applicable additional trait items. (Mentions in a TOS or proof of a written statement within the lines of "no TOS" or "you receive full rights" will count as permission from the designer. Otherwise, if there is ambiguously no TOS or mention within one regarding changing species/redesigning, you will have to directly ask for permission.)

    • Vice versa, you can make non-Orin AU (alternate universe) forms of your character. These forms will be considered non-canon and may not be used for group events, activites, or prompts.

    • All AU forms of a character MUST stay together if you ever decide to trade/sell/gift them, as they are considered the same character.

  • You may not base your MYO Orin on a character from a franchise, anime/cartoon, comic, someone else’s OC, etc. We will not accept and do not condone “XYZ as an Orin” designs because it is considered design plagiarism.

    • You ARE allowed to take miniscule inspiration- like maybe a similar hairstyle or an accessory- but put your own spin on it! Taking too many small traits can make a design too similar to the "inspired" design.

    • Please be courteous and let us know who your design is based on, if your main goal in designing your MYO was to be inspired by a copyrighted character. If we find out at a later date that you omitted this detail and your design actually takes heavy inspiration from a copyrighted character, it can result in the suspension of your Orin. The design will then need to be redesigned to remove copied features. If one refuses to edits, then the design will be voided and the designer may face suspensions.

  • You can make a parent or sibling design of an existing Orin with permission from both the original designer and current owner. However, you may not make children designs (breedings or hypothetical designs) of existing Orins.

  • You can make your Orin’s Humanoid Form for free at any time as long as you follow the humanoid form guidelines. You may also use the Humanoid form as their main form if you prefer, but when submitting a MYO, you will still be required to submit their feral form. You can commission another person to make your Orin’s Humanoid form.

    • Orin Humanoid forms may be attached to the Masterlist entry.

  • You may make minor edits to your Orin design for free. Minor edits include changing their gender presentation, eye color, hairstyle/hair length, clothing and accessories, and minor hue/color/pattern changes. Feel free to pass changes by mods to check if they can fly for free! Please remember all redesigns are subjective.

  • Major design edits that change major portions of the base design or adding/removing traits will require trait items to use. You may not rehaul an Orin beyond recognition from the original design. The new design should at least look like it can be a sibling design to the original! Please pass the changes by mods for official approval. Please remember all redesigns are subjective.

✦ Species In-Game Items ✦

  • You may NOT sell your currency and items for any form of monetary currency, whether it be for real world money, virtual currency with monetary value (eg, dA points), or trade them for a money voucher.

  • You may trade your in-species items for in-species currency, other in-species items, Orin characters, art, and non-Orin related goods that do not involve any monetary exchange (only if TOS of said goods allow it. For example, some other CS do not allow trading their items outside of their group).

  • You may not buy Dream Shards (DS) or Night Flares (NF) with money.

  • Members may not use, steal, trace, or heavily copy the Realm of Orin logo, assets (including art or site code), or any of its intellectual properties for your own non-Orin use or to reap a profit.