
<a href=" Vulpo" class="display-item">Snow Vulpo</a>

Snow Vulpo

When a blizzard is at its thickest, it's said that a Snow Vulpo will guide weary travelers back home. They have an excellent sense of direction and are very intelligent, but willfully ignore commands if you aren't in mortal peril. Very good at stealing your pillows and blankets.

Use: Cosmetic Pet
Tradeability: Yes

Artist: Strabi

<a href=" Vulpo" class="display-item">Soot Vulpo</a>

Soot Vulpo

These little Vulpos are commonly found in corners, attics, back of shelves, or just about anywhere that hasn't been cleaned in a while. Little trinkets get caught in their fur often.

Use: Cosmetic Pet
Tradeability: Yes

Artist: Strabi

<a href=" Vulpo" class="display-item">Apple Vulpo</a>

Apple Vulpo

Apple Vulpos are prideful little fellas, only appearing in orchards with the brightest and ripest fruits of the highest quality.

Use: Cosmetic Pet
Tradeability: Yes

Artist: Strabi

3 results found.