✦ submitting a prompt ✦
There are two ways you can navigate to find the prompt you're looking to submit to, but the submission process is the same.
Under the BROWSE drop drown menu, you can find the link to view all prompts. Click this link to visit the prompts page.
Here's what a prompt will look like from the ALL PROMPTS page:
- At the top, you will see a box with the word "Name" inside of it. This is a search bar you can use to find the exact prompt you're looking for by name.
- You can also sort by Prompt Category, which will filter the prompts to show only a specific type of prompt.
- You can further sort prompt listings by additional parameters (alphabetical order, newest created, end date, etc)
A prompt itself will be structured as follows:
- The Title, which is the name of the prompt, will be at the very top left in the largest sized text.
- Underneath the Title will be a short blurb on what the prompt ensues.
- At the right side of the box is some text called "Show details...". Click this to open up the prompt's full contents, which will appear under Details. Additional prompt information, such as criteria, requirements, and rewards will be listed here.
- Underneath that will be the Default Rewards. Some prompts may allow you to add additional rewards outside of the default rewards so be sure to read Details if no default rewards are listed!
- Then, at the bottom right, is a button called Submit Prompt, which will take you to the submissions page with this prompt already selected as it's submission target.
Clicking the submit prompt button will take you to the submissions page with the prompt pre-selected.
Under the BROWSE drop drown menu, you can find the link to view all of your prompt submissions. Click this link to visit the prompt submissions page.
You will be directed to a page that looks like this:
- PENDING: Prompts pending in queue will appear in this tab.
- APPROVED: Prompts that have been approved will appear in this tab.
- REJECTED: Prompts that have been rejected will appear in this tab. If your prompt has been rejected, you will need to create a new prompt submission.
At the top right, you will see a button called New Submission. Clicking this button will take you to a new prompt submission page.
The drop down bar at the top of the page under Prompt is where you can choose the prompt you are submitting for!
In order to submit to a prompt, you must submit your actual art/writing through the gallery in it's appropriate folder first!
Under the BROWSE drop down menu, you can find the link to the Gallery.
You will be directed to a page that looks like this:
If there is a sub-folder for a gallery, select the appropriate sub-folder!!
Once you're in the correct folder, click the +SUBMIT button at the top right.
You will be taken to a page that looks like this. Here is where you'll be uploading your entry onto the site!
- Image: If your submission is artwork, upload it here.
- Text: If your submission is writing, paste it here.
- You can submit both images and writing if you'd like!
- Title: Give a title your submission! Doesn't have to be fancy or anything, you can just write the event/prompt name.
- Description: Optionally write any accompanying details here that are not part of your actual entry. Note, you aren't supposed to describe what bonus rewards you should receive here!
- Content Warning: Please write any CWs if your piece contains any sensitive content. (Inappropriate/NSFW content is NOT allowed regardless!)
- Prompt: Link to the event/prompt you will be submitting to on the prompts page.
- Characters: Enter the Masterlist ID code for a character to attach them here. Rewards for individual characters are not added here.
- Collaborators: Please note, at this time we are unlikely to host prompts that allow collaborations between users, so this section may be disregarded completely unless if specified.
- Other Participants: If you're including another user's Orin or anything, you can input that here. Please note, we do not accept commissions or trades for events or prompts (aka you cannot do prompts on the behalf of another person or vice versa).
Once all your information has been entered, click SUBMIT at the bottom right of the page.
Your submission will be put into a queue like this:
You're not done just yet! Your submission will not be approved, receive rewards, etc, UNTIL it has been submitted through the prompt entry form! It's supposed to remain as "pending" during the submission process- don't fret!
Right click (or tap and hold) on the thumbnail OR title of your submission until you get the option to copy the link! THIS LINK WILL BE PASTED IN THE SUBMISSION URL PART OF THE PROMPT FORM.
Read below on how to submit your pending submission to a prompt.
The drop down bar at the top of the page under Prompt denotes which prompt your submission is being sent under. Depending on how you navigated to this page, it may be pre-selected or you may need to select the prompt manually.
Submission URL is where you will be pasting the link to your pending gallery submission.
The Comments section is for you to fill in the provided form found in Details of a prompt. This section is extremely important because it serves to verify the grading criteria you inputted are correct. In the case you made a mistake (like forgetting to give yourself an extra 10 DS for shading), this section backs you up!
The Rewards section is the juicy part! Here you can select additional rewards your entry qualifies for to receive on top of the base rewards. Click on the button that says Add Reward on the right to create a new reward type.
- Reward Type is where you will select if you are redeeming a currency or an item.
- Reward Options will appear once the Reward Type is selected. Here you can select the corresponding item you are specifically redeeming.
- Quantity is how much of that reward you’re redeeming.
- Some rewards that reward a random item will be added by mods when we receive your submission to RNG and add in for you. These are not rewards you will add yourself.
Under Characters, you can list the Orins that appear in your prompt submission. Click the Add Character button on the right to create a new character attachment. You can click Add Character as many times as you need to add all the Orins that appear in your prompt in.
- You will be prompted to enter a character code. All Orins have a unique Masterlist code. Copy and paste or type the Orin's Masterlist code in this entry box. Make sure to include the three letters at the beginning - if your Orin's code is "MYO-001", then you have to type that exact line into the box. Entering just "001" won't work!
- Once the prompt recognizes the character you've entered, their Masterlist entry will appear to confirm they have been added. An additional pop-up for character-bound rewards will appear. If a character is receiving an item that will go into their bank and not your own, you'll add those rewards here.
Under Add-ons is where you will attach items from your inventory if your submission requires items to be accepted. Otherwise, this section can be left blank. These items will be removed from your inventory when put into the queue, and will be consumed once the prompt has been approved. If your submission is rejected, you will have these items returned to your inventory.
- Your Inventory includes items you can attach to the submission.
- Your Bank includes currencies you can attach to the submission.
Once you’ve finished up entering all of the relevant information, click the Submit button to send in your prompt! Please keep in mind, once a prompt has been submitted the contents cannot be edited. If you've made a mistake, this is where the Comments section comes in to back you up!
Congratulations, you've submitted your prompt! Now you wait for a moderator to get to it to approve or send it back to you for review.
IF YOUR SUBMISSION REQUIRES REVIEW/UPDATE, a comment from staff will be made on your GALLERY submission. You can view comments here on your submission on the View Log Details button.
When your prompt has been approved, the prompt page AND gallery submission will be accepted.
✦ Transferring Orins ✦
To transfer an Orin, you must navigate to the Orin's Masterlist entry. You can find all the Orins you currently own under My Characters.
Once you are at the Orin you want to transfer, look near the bottom of the lefthand bar to find the Transfer button.
You will be taken to the following page:
Under Recipient, type in or select the on-site username of the new owner. The new owner MUST be a member of Orin Realm in order to receive new Orins. An Orin Masterlist entry must be updated, or we will not recognize the new owner of the Orin.
Then under Reason for Transfer, enter as it describes. If you sold your Orin, list the exact price in USD that you sold for. If you traded your Orin, specify if you traded for art, other designs, etc. If you gifted, then just write gift.
Then click the Send Transfer button. A moderator will then approve of the transfer and update the Masterlist with the new owner accordingly.
✦ using the trades feature ✦
Under the ACTIVITY drop drown menu, you can find the link to view all of your trades. This is a handy tool for you to use to send large amounts of different items to another user. You can set trades to ensure all users involved are transferring the exact items to the other person agreed upon fairly.
- OPEN trades have yet to be accepted by the other user.
- PENDING trades are waiting for approval from the other user.
- COMPLETED trades are past trades that have were accepted by the other user.
- REJECTED trades have either been rejected by the other user.
There are two approvals you need in order to have a trade confirmed, one from each participant in the trade. First, however, you need to accept the trade offer you are submitting or are receiving from a trading partner to confirm you are transferring or receiving what you asked for. BOTH OF YOU MUST ACCEPT THE TRADE ON YOUR ENDS FOR IT TO BE SENT THROUGH.
You can create a new trade with the New Trade button on the right side of the screen.
Under Recipient, select the on-site name of the user you wish to trade with.
Under Comments, please list the transaction for the trade. For instance, if you traded all of these items for art, write "traded for art." If it is a big gift bundle, then write "gift."
Under Your Inventory, you may need to click the Show header in order to open the drop down that lists your items. You can also search for an item name in the drop down, or further filter it by item category, or quickly select all or deselect all.
Items will appear like this:
Click the little square at the left of the item name to mark the item you are adding to the trade. You do not have to regard Source or Notes. At the very right, you will see Quantity. Click from this drop down if you are only selecting a portion of items from the total listing.
If you find too many multiple lists of the same item bothering you, you can condense them all into one entry here with the Consolidate button.
Under Your Bank, click the Add Currency button on the right to create a new currency listing. You can't leave these sections blank or the page will not go through. You can remove blank entries with the button that says remove.
Once you have finished setting up your trade, click Create Trade.
Once the trade page has been created, it'll appear like this on your end. It will look approximately the same on the recipient's end.
The recipient will receive a notification of the trade's creation and will need to access this page to attach their half of the trade. Click "Edit" to change your trade part. Attaching items to a trade on the recipient end uses the same steps as above.
Once both parties are satisfied with the trade attachment, the BOTH of you must hit confirm.
You can also unconfirm your half if you want to edit the contents of your trade.
Once both parties have confirmed, then both users must click the Confirm Trade button at the bottom to confirm the final trade.
Under BROWSE on the drop down menu, you can find the link to view the user market.
Here you can create advertisements for Orin-related trades! This feature allows you to put items or your Orins up as a listing, write what you're seeking, and converse with other members to accept or decline.
This feature does NOT incite automatic trades- please use the Trades feature to complete item trades and the Transfer function to transfer Orins.
Please keep in mind all trade advertisements posted must be Orin-related or targeted in some way. This is not an advertisement board for commissions or general OC trades; listings that do not follow the rules will be removed by a moderator.
Click on the New Market Listing button. You will see the following page:
- Listing Title is an optional field you can use to summarize your advertisement.
- Comments is an optional field where you can elaborate on what you're seeking/trading/etc.
- Preferred Method of Contact is a required field where you should list where you're comfortable being contacted by other users.
- The Seeking section allows you to put specific quantities of site items, currency, or other goods and services (trades, art, money).
- The Offering section allows you to put specific quantities of site items, your Orins, currency, or other goods and services (trades, art, money) that you own/can offer up into the listing.
Click Create Listing once ready.
✦ submitting a design update / new myo ✦
Under your username on the drop drown menu, you can find the link to view all of your owned MYO Slots.
Select the MYO slot you wish to use.
Once you are at the MYO Slot you want to use, look near the bottom of the lefthand bar to find the Submit MYO Design button.
Clicking that will send you to the MYO approval request page. Click the button that says Create Request.
You will see a page that looks like this created for you. Notice it is currently in DRAFT phase until you submit it for review!
In the Comments section, write the traits you used for your Orin and list all the items you have used. Attach proof of permission here if you are using art that is done by another artist. This section also serves as a verification of the information you have submitted in the case you have made a mistake on a different section.
!! Click SAVE at the bottom BEFORE moving to the next section!
In the Masterlist Image section, upload the art of the design. If you are not the artist of the image, you must have permission from the artist to use their art for it to be accepted. Add the proper designer and artist credits. You can add additional artists/designers by clicking the [ + ] next to the designer/artist boxes. Be sure to credit any bases if you've used one!
!! Click SAVE at the bottom BEFORE moving to the next section!
In the Add-Ons section, attach any items or currency you are spending on your MYO.
!! Click SAVE at the bottom BEFORE moving to the next section!
In the Traits section, select the traits you are using.
!! Click SAVE at the bottom BEFORE moving to the next section!
Once all sections have been greenlit, navigate to Status and submit your MYO for approval!
However, if you do catch a mistake, you may request a moderator to send your MYO approval back to you to edit. Please LINK to your MYO submission (found in the web address bar) or else we will not be able to find it for you! (Return requests are only available if you're in the Discord Server at this time.)
A moderator will review your submission and there are 3 different results you can expect:
- Approval: As it says on the tin can, your MYO has been approved!
- Cancellation: This may be the second most common result you can expect. If your MYO submission needs edits, a "cancellation" will occur, where a mod will tell you what you need to edit! Then simply update your submission and resubmit once you're ready!
- Rejection: This is the LEAST likely result you'll ever see; usually everything will be sent back as a cancellation. A rejection denies the MYO approval and a user cannot update that submission anymore.
To update an Orin's Design, you must navigate to the Orin's Masterlist entry. You can find all the Orins you currently own under My Characters.
Please note, all old art will be kept on the Orin's Masterlist entry for log keeping. Old redesigns will not be removed.
Once you are at the Orin you want to update, look near the bottom of the lefthand bar to find the Update Design button.
Clicking that will send you to the design update request page. Click the button that says Create Request.
You will see a page that looks like this created for you. Notice it is currently in DRAFT phase until you submit it for review!
In the Comments section, denote the changes you have made, list new traits or dropped traits, and list all the items you have used. Attach proof of permission here if you are using art that is done by another artist. This section also serves as a verification of the information you have submitted in the case you have made a mistake on a different section.
!! Click SAVE at the bottom BEFORE moving to the next section!
In the Masterlist Image section, upload the new art of the design. If you are not the artist of the image, you must have permission from the artist to use their art for it to be accepted. Add the proper designer and artist credits. You can add additional artists/designers by clicking the [ + ] next to the designer/artist boxes. Be sure to credit any bases if you've used one!
!! Click SAVE at the bottom BEFORE moving to the next section!
In the Add-Ons section, attach any items or currency you are spending on the design update.
!! Click SAVE at the bottom BEFORE moving to the next section!
In the Traits section, select the updated traits you would like to use.
!! Click SAVE at the bottom BEFORE moving to the next section!
Once all sections have been greenlit, navigate to Status and submit your design update for approval!
However, if you do catch a mistake, you may request a moderator to send your design update back to you to edit. Please LINK to your design update (found in the web address bar) or else we will not be able to find it for you! (Return requests are only available if you're in the Discord Server at this time.)
A moderator will review your submission and there are 3 different results you can expect:
- Approval: As it says on the tin can, your submission has been approved!
- Cancellation: This may be the second most common result you can expect. If your design submission needs edits, a "cancellation" will occur, where a mod will tell you what you need to edit! Then simply update your submission and resubmit once you're ready!
- Rejection: This is the LEAST likely result you'll ever see; usually everything will be sent back as a cancellation. A rejection denies the design update and a user cannot update that submission anymore.
SUBMITTING AN art / Humanoid form UPDATE
To update an Orin's Art or update a Humanoid form, you must navigate to the Orin's Masterlist entry. You can find all the Orins you currently own under My Characters.
Note, updating art simply means you are submitting new art to use as the masterlist entry. Minor changes (eg, changing gender presentation, hair style, accessories, and related) are allowed to be reflected in a new art update. However, the rest of the design itself like major colors and markings or traits must be the same. If major edits are applied, then this is not an art update, but a design update.
You can update your Orin's Humanoid form or create a new Humanoid form if they do not have one yet.
Please note, all old art will be kept on the Orin's Masterlist entry for log keeping. Old redesigns will not be removed.
Once you are at the Orin you want to update, look near the bottom of the lefthand bar to find the Update Design button.
Clicking that will send you to the design update request page. Click the button that says Create Request.
In the Comments section, denote what you want to do (update art, add humanoid design). Attach proof of permission here if you are using art that is done by another artist.
!! Click SAVE at the bottom BEFORE moving to the next section!
In the Masterlist Image section, upload the new art you would like to use. If you are not the artist of the image, you must have permission from the artist to use their art for it to be accepted. Add the proper designer and artist credits. Add the proper designer and artist credits. You can add additional artists/designers by clicking the [ + ] next to the designer/artist boxes. Be sure to credit any bases if you've used one!
!! Click SAVE at the bottom BEFORE moving to the next section!
In the Add-Ons section, you are not spending any items or currency so simply scroll to the bottom and hit save.
You are not updating Traits so do not edit anything under that tab and simply scroll to the bottom and hit save.
Once all sections have been greenlit, navigate to Status and submit your art update for approval!
However, if you do catch a mistake, you may request a moderator to send your design update back to you to edit. Please LINK to your design update (found in the web address bar) or else we will not be able to find it for you! (Return requests are only available if you're in the Discord Server at this time.)
A moderator will review your submission and there are 3 different results you can expect:
- Approval: As it says on the tin can, your submission has been approved!
- Cancellation: This may be the second most common result you can expect. If your design submission needs edits, a "cancellation" will occur, where a mod will tell you what you need to edit! Then simply update your submission and resubmit once you're ready!
- Rejection: This is the LEAST likely result you'll ever see; usually everything will be sent back as a cancellation. A rejection denies the design update and a user cannot update that submission anymore.
✦ navigating your Orin's Masterlist entry ✦
On your Orin's Masterlist entry, you will see this lefthand side panel:
Under the Character Header:
- Information: The default page the Masterlist entry will show you. Here you will find stats like Subtype, Traits, Design and Art Credits, Current Owner, and how they were obtained.
- Profile: A user-customizable cosmetic page where it'll display a character name, biography, permissions for receiving gift art, or if they are currently up for offers.
- Gallery: Any works featuring the character will be displayed here if the artist of said work allows.
- Inventory: Any character-bound items the Orin currently owns.
- Bank: Any character-bound currency the Orin currently owns.
Under the History Header:
- Images: Official images used on the Masterlist entry. This may include Humanoid Forms, past redesigns, or outdated display artwork.
- Change Log: Any changes to the Masterlist entry will be recorded in this tab.
- Ownership History: View a list of past owners this Orin has once been owned by.
- Item Logs: Any use of items on this Orin will be recorded in this tab.
- Currency Logs: Any use of currency on this Orin will be recorded in this tab.
- Submissions: Logs of prompts submitted with this character attached will be recorded in this tab.
Under the Settings Header:
- Edit Profile: Customize your the character's on-site Profile. You can set a name, write a biography, allow or disallow gift art search listings, or set up as up for offers on the Masterlist search settings. This is purely cosmetic and will not change any Masterlist stats.
- Transfer: Transfer your Orin to another user.
- Update Design: Submit a design update.
Under the BROWSE drop drown menu, you can find the link to visit shops. Click this link to visit the shops directory page.
On the left hand bar, you can find some handy dandy shortcuts:
- Purchase History will show you logs of items you have purchased before in the past.
- You will also have a quick overview of your available DS and NF.
- Underneath that you will find a quick list of open Shops. You can find a shop by name quickly here.
On the shops directory page, you can also access a shop directly by clicking the image.
Once you enter a shop, you can scroll down to see the available wares, their costs, and the current stock available. You can find what each item does here.