Cal's Cozy Critters

A brand new establishment seems to have opened it's doors..
As you enter Cozy Critters, you are greeted by a plethora of different pets and animals, of all shapes and sizes. The interior is cozy, with pillows, pet toys, and blankets aplenty, much akin to a cat cafe.
"Welcome to Cal's Cozy Critters, what can I do for you today?" The shopkeeper calls out, beckoning you further into the shop.
"All of the pets here have come to me of their own volition, in seek of companionship! But, uh... I only have so much room at home for them, which is why I got this place crowdfunded." They gently pet a fluffy looking Chumpkin as they converse with you.
"For an adoption fee that covers each pet's unique care needs, you're free to adopt any of the pets I have available right now! They're all wonderful companions, I assure you!"